In this age of increasing automation, programming is not limited to only computer science and related fields. Every competent engineer needs to know how to program. This makes Club of Programmers one of the most important clubs in the institute.
Club of Programmers (or better known as COPS) understands this responsibility and plays a crucial part in maintaining the coding culture in the institute. Introductory workshops are held for freshers to introduce them to the various facets of programming. Regular competitions are held for the general student body to test and sharpen their programming skills. COPS also has an essential role in the successful conduction of Technex, the institute’s techno-management festival. ICM(International Coding Marathon) event organised by COPS in Technex attracts the maximum participation in the fest.
Although the club has been functioning quite well as compared to other clubs, still, a lot of things needs to be done. Some great initiatives were taken by the current secretaries, including the formation of smaller groups focussed on specific areas (competitive programming group, development group and machine learning group) and the fresher’s mentorship program. Still there are lot of things that the club can improve upon. We hope that we are able to take this momentum forward.
POTW, Problem of the Week, was developed to help the competitive programmers of the institute to excel in the field. Prepared by the top coders of the institute, these consists of amazing study materials, selected problems to practice and covers almost all the major Algorithms and Data Structures used in competitive programming. With over 2000 clicks already. This is a very helpful resource for internship and placement preparation as well.
3 students namely Prakhar Agarwal, Aditya Sharma and Lakshya Singh were selected as mentees under Summer of Bitcoin
May. 20232 students namely Srishti Jaiswal and Krishna Madhwani were selected as mentees under Summer of Reproducibility
May. 202316 students from the club got accepted in one of the most prestigious open-source software development programs - Google Summer of Code.
One student from our club Paarth Agarwal got accepted in the very first XROS Fellowship
March. 2023Three students from the club (Ankur Patil, Paarth Agarwal and Yash Raj) got accepted as mentees in LFX Mentorship Spring 2023.
March. 2023Two students from the club (Nishant Mittal and Lali Akhil Raj) got accepted as mentees in LFX Mentorship Fall 2022.
Sept. 202224 students from the club got accepted in one of the most prestigious open-source software development programs - Google Summer of Code.
3 students were selected as mentors while 1 student is now an org admin.
3 students namely Shreyansh Yadav, Ankur Patil and Prakhar Saxena were selected as mentees under Summer of Bitcoin
April. 20222 teams from COPS participated and won silver medals in their respective events of Mercari Large Scale System Design Hackathon and Bosch Model Extraction Attack for Video Classification against the participating 23 IITs.
March. 20212 teams from IIT(BHU) made it to the finals of the Cyber Security Awareness Week (CSAW).
Oct. 2021Two students from the club (Lakshya Singh and Nithish Kartik) got accepted as mentees in LFX Mentorship Fall 2021.
Sept. 2021Team rng(weed) (Jatin Garg, Anshu Garg, Yash Goyal) topped Kanpur-Mathura Regionals and have chance to Represent IIT BHU in World Finals.
23 Teams from the College qualified for ICPC Amritapuri Regionals.
23 students from the club got accepted in one of the most prestigious open-source software development programs - Google Summer of Code.
IIT (BHU) is the institute with second highest GSoC selections in the world in 2021.
One student from the club got accepted in Microsoft Reinforcement Learning Open Source Fest. Two students got accepted as mentees in LFX Mentorship.
April. 20212 teams, of 5 and 7 members respectively, participated and won gold and silver medals in their respective events of Network Security Hackathon and Automatic Headline And Sentiment Generator against the participating 23 IITs.
March. 2021Ten students from the club successfully completed a project in one of the most prestigious open-source software development programs - Google Summer of Code.
IIT (BHU) is one of top 10 institutes in the world with most number of GSoC selections in 2020.
One team from the club qualified for ICPC World Finals.
December, 2019Nine students from the club got selected for one of the most prestigious open-source software development programs - Google Summer of Code.
Summer. 20192 teams, of 4 members each, participated and both won bronze medals on their respective events of Coding Hackathon and Star Cluster Identifier against the participating 23 IITs.
December, 2018Seven students from the club got selected for one of the most prestigious open-source software development programs - Google Summer of Code.
Summer. 2018COPS organized a two months long Summer Camp online. More than 500 students across the country participated in the camp. The camp covered all the three major domains of Computer Science, namely Algorithms and Data Structures (Competitive Programming), Machine Learning and Development (Android and Web).
Summer. 2018COPS organized Microsoft Code Fun Do, a 24 hr onsite hackathon which saw a prticipation of more than 150 teams (teams of 3). Click here to know more.
Feb. 2018TooLazyToPropogate, a team of Pranjal Jain, Himanshu Singh and Debrup Roy Choudhary secured third position at ICPC Kanpur Regionals 2017.
Dec. 2017A team of two members, Suyash Shukla and Abhinav Patel, won Bronze Medal in an Inter IIT Event.
Dec. 2017A team of three senior members, Bharat Khanna, Ishank Arora and Ayush Kedia, won the GS Quantify contest held by Goldman Sachs. Also, 6 teams from the institute were selected as Significant Contributors.
Oct. 2017COPS made an amazing study material to start and excel competitve programming. This includes resources to study on each topic and some good problems to practice.
Summer. 2017Club of Programmers, IIT (BHU), Varanasi is born.
April. 2015Joint Secretary
Joint Secretary
© 2024 COPS IIT(BHU)